“Little Bird” live from a boat in the Amsterdam canals.
“Sleepwalking” live from the Amsterdam canals.
At the Eagle Music Shop and Deering Banjos "Banjo 2020" in Huddersfield, England, Gayle Skidmore performs her upcoming single "All My Life," accompanied by the incredible Jens Kruger of award winning Kruger Brothers. Video by Jamie Deering, CEO Deering Banjos.
"Little Bird" live in the woods in Hilversum, Netherlands, presenting the new fox banjo art from Gayle Skidmore.
Thanks to Deering Banjos. www.DeeringBanjos.com/
Thank you to Eagle Music UK for the frailing banjo strings and capo! www.EagleMusicShop.com/
Art, Music & Lyrics by Gayle Skidmore. Videography, Editing, Audio by Rob Teeuwen.
“Pale Ghosts” live, for the NPR Tiny Desk Contest.
San Diego artist, Gayle Skidmore, performs her song "Nightingale" for a group of trolley riders. Brought to you by Rowlberto Productions.